Iconic Washington

No matter how many images are taken of Washington, D.C., people are always impressed. Being here in person is a hundred times more powerful. I walk past amazing structures nearly every day and yet, they never fail to imbue me with wonder.

How lucky am I to live here.

I wanted to share one of my favorite places to take photos with you. Below is the view of the Washington Memorial as seen from the Lincoln Memorial.

(c) Diana Belchase

I love the way the columns and building frame the Washington Memorial within the arch. It’s like one president nodding to the other.

A lot of tourists will come here and try to take funny pictures at the memorials. Sometimes they forget these are sacred places and that climbing into Lincoln’s lap isn’t something American’s approve of. Yet, amidst all the hubbub of clicking cameras, if you venture just a bit off the normal path, you’ll find exquisite and tranquil spots everywhere.

Hope your next visit to D.C. is wonderful. Until then, join me here as I bring snippets of this wonderful town to you.

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